Top Trader Peter Brandt Ends The Battle Between BTC And ETH By Spelling Doom For Ethereum – “ETH may not even be a listed asset in 10 years”

Peter Brandt

Popular trader and Bitcoin supporter Peter Brandt doesn’t think Ethereum (ETH) has the fuel to stay afloat beyond the next 10 years, and he’s not afraid to say it.

The Big Debate

For starters, ETH and BTC have been a subject of hot debate going on for years, with some claiming that ETH could one day topple Bitcoin as the top coin in market dominance. On the other hand, there are those who believe that Bitcoin has more staying power than ETH and that ETH will never catch up. Peter Brandt fits in the latter group.

Peter Brandt: ETH Is Out BTC’s League

Peter is known for his sharp acumen when it comes to crypto investments, and he has gained quite a following both on social media and business circles. Peter is now pouring cold water on Ethereum and calling doom on it.

In a recent X post, Peter Brandt was categorical in pronouncing ETH’s death within the next 10 years. The fact that ETH is currently the second most popular and largest blockchain/crypto ecosystem in the market doesn’t deter Peter from issuing this scary projection.

He said,

Ether $ETH is not comparable to $BTC as a store of value. Why hodl ETH when you can hodl BTC And the functionality and gas price of ETH make the crypto a piece of junk My prediction is that ETH may not even be a listed asset in 10 years

Peter was reacting to a complaint by another X user about the rising costs of transacting with ETH. The user was even more bitter and harsher with strong words against ETH. Apparently, he was charged $29 as transaction fees to transfer 2 degods.