Robert Kiyosaki: Save Yourself By Buying Bitcoin Because The Govt Doesn’t Care About You

Robert Kiyosaki

Popular Bitcoin supporter and author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” Robert Kiyosaki, is out to gift the world with some hard truths. His message? Start stacking Sats immediately.

Robert Kiyosaki Is A Smart Investor

Robert Kiyosaki is known to be a pretty shrewd investor. He even authored a popular book as mentioned above. For a long time, he used to invest in Gold, Silver, and other assets, but the debut of Bitcoin as a viable asset expanded his investment field even further.

Kiyosaki is now a public supporter of the new blockchain technology and wants to educate people about the smartest investment opportunities. He has made a few successful price predictions in the past, and is well-regarded within the Bitcoin community.

Kiyosaki’s Take On Governments And Leaders

In a recent X post, Robert Kiyosaki didn’t mince his words in calling out the leaders and governments for their “don’t care” attitude towards the people they’re supposed to represent. As such, Robert is of the opinion that people should stop investing in scammy ventures and instead turn to Bitcoin, silver, and gold.

This way, the leaders don’t have much power over the people. The investor pointed out that the leaders are mostly interested in conducting wars and keeping people poor, which is one of the reigns they have on everyone.

Perharps Kiyosaki was attributing this statement to the recent development where the US and other western governments have been more pre-occupied with financing wars than fixing the failing economies in their own countries. Either way, he got his point home.

Kiyosaki’s Guide On How To Take Care Of Yourself And Your Loved Ones

As mentioned, Robert Kiyosaki is all for gold and Bitcoin investments as opposed to de-based fiat-linked ventures like bonds and stocks. He went on to let everyone know this and urged the people to embrace his strategy.

Robert sees Bitcoin, silver, and Gold investments as the best way for people to take care of themselves as opposed to relying on leaders who have little regard for the common man. He wants everyone to join him in the Bitcoin market.