Popular Bitcoin Maxi Shreds Misinformed Bloomberg Article That Said All The Wrong Things About Bitcoin

Bitcoin maxi

A Bitcoin maxi has taken to Twitter/X to criticize a recent article by Bloomberg that seems to say a lot of wrong stuff about Bitcoin.

Lyn Alden couldn’t keep her cool when she came across the Bloomberg article whose writer seemed very bent on thrown shade on Bitcoin. Lyn is a popular Bitcoin supporter and is the author of one of the top selling books – “Broken Money.”

It Sounds Like Propaganda Or Absolute Ignorance

According to Lyn, the bloomberg article read like a propaganda script that accused Bitcoin of all the wrong things without credible cause. Either that, or the article was written by someone with zero knowledge of how Bitcoin works.

Now, the notion of Bloomberg, a well-respected media organization with an expansive global reach, spreading unfounded propaganda against Bitcoin, would be a deal-breaker to a lot of people who have had respect for the media house for many years. As such, and given that Bloomberg has been covering crypto for years as well, it’s very possible that the blame should be placed squarely on the misinformed writer.

Bitcoin Maxi Reads A Laughable Take

Lyn quoted a few excerpts from the article that signified total disconnect between the writer and the world of Bitcoin.

An excerpt read:

So if you send someone Bitcoin to pay for something, there will probably be a typo in the address and the person won’t get it and you’ll have to send it again and your first payment will just be permanently lost.

Evidently, the writer doesn’t seem to know that Bitcoin addresses are mostly copy-pasted and not typed when initiating transactions.

Another one read:

“The third classic problem is that, if you are using Bitcoin to pay for goods and services, there is a good chance that you are paying for something illegal, and Bitcoin payments are traceable. So if you send someone $16,000 worth of Bitcoin to buy a $16,000 thing, (1) some of your money will go missing in transit, (2) the Bitcoins you send won’t be worth $16,000 and you’ll have to send some more, and (3) the $16,000 thing was a murder and now you are in prison.”

This take ignores the fact payments are just that -payments. Anything fiat does can be done with Bitcoin. In essence, it would appear that the writer is singling out Bitcoin for a smear campaign. That doesn’t go down well with a Bitcoin max like Lyn Alden who understands Bitcoin.

Bloomberg Crypto Needs To Get A Grip

Lyn was quick to point out that Bloomberg is really a respectable media org and other branches of its coverage (like Geopolitics and FX) do clean work. However, its the section of Bloomberg Crypto that needs an upgrade.

As expected, numerous people came out in support of Lyn’s statements. Any Bitcoin maxi would see her point.